Standing Order No 2 – Match Manager Duties (July 2022)

Somerset Golf Captains

Standing Order No 2 – Match Manager Duties 

 Team Selection

1.  All teams will be published on the website as selected by a panel before the start of the season.

2. All players will receive an email confirming their selection and will be given details name/email/tel. no. of the match manager. These emails will be copied to the match manager.

3. Players will be asked to notify the match manager immediately of their availability or otherwise.

4. The match manager will be given the list of players of those who registered for the match but were not selected. This list to be regarded as reserves.

5. The match manager is responsible to get required number of players for the day and construct the pairings. A Somerset Golf Captains template sheet for pairings is available

6. The match manager will confirm final team to website administrator about one week before the match. This is then published as a news item, to enable team members to travel together etc

7. The match manager will be advised by Fixtures Secretary of the visiting team organiser details, for liaison purposes.

8. If a team member is not available, then match managers should select a reserve from the list provided by the Secretary. When choosing reserves, priority should be given t0 (a) Captains who originally applied for that match but were not originally selected; and (b) Captains who have played the fewest number of games during the season (please check with the Secretary if you are not sure)

Photography and Match Report

9. The Somerset Golf Captains camera is carried by the Captain of Captains. The match manager should either take photos themselves of the matches on the tee or ask one of the last Somerset Golf Captains pair to take photoss.

10. Photos in the dining room and the trophy presentation should be taken by the match manager or his nominee

11. The match manager should return the camera to the Captain of Captains and remove the memory card and send it together with the match report and team pairings sheet, in the sae which will be provided. These generate the website report.

12. A pro-forma for the match report will be provided to the match manager. Each four ball should record their score and be asked to make some meaningful and descriptive comments on their match.

Catering and Match Fees

11. When a home fixture is booked by the Hon Fixtures Secretary, as standard a sandwich lunch and a two-course dinner with coffee is ordered. Costs vary between clubs.

12. Matches in Somerset are normally played at our courses as courtesy and no green fee is paid. This is subject to review and may vary from club to club.

13. The match manager is responsible at both HOME and AWAY matches to collect £40 from each player. These match fees should be collected by BACS transfer.

14. HOME fixtures: Somerset Golf Captains pay for all catering and wine – normally 1 bottle per 4 ball game.

15. A ‘Somerset Golf Captains’ debit card is carried by the Captain and used to pay for home fixture costs (catering etc).

16. Match costs for Worcestershire, Gwent, South Wales Coast, Wells Captains, Somerset Ladies captains and Hereford/Shropshire are shared, on the day. The match manager to pay our 50% share

17. Match costs for SGU are as follows: SGC members play the normal (current) match fee to the match manager;  SGC match manager pays the catering costs for the SGC team in full; SGC and SGU pay for wine in alternate years (according to which team is notionally “at home”).

18. A note of fixture cost paid, should be emailed to the Hon Treasurer, as soon as possible after the fixture, with the following information(a) Match Date, venue, and opponents(b) Total money collected(c) Total money paid out (if applicable) (d) Balance paid into bank. Please retain the receipt until it can be passed to the Hon Treasurer.

19. Match fees collected, should be paid into the Somerset Golf Captains Bank account, (Somerset Golf Captains Bank details are– Sort Code 30-91-84 – Account Number 00684170) at any Lloyds Bank branch, as soon as possible please.

Revised April 2022